CH Skyline's Had To Be Bonnyvale Karolina - "Vivi"

08/26/2008 - 10/12/2021

Bred by Darlene Bosch and Pat Stroud 

Vivi came to join us in 2016, as a 7 year old retired Champion to live the good life on the couch! 

In Vivi's youth she went Winners Bitch at a Keeshond National Specialty, and after joining us she had lots of fun teaching my son Junior Showmanship, doing Veterans classes, going on family camping trips and being the matriarch of the household.  Vivi is granddam to Clover, Peregrine Keeshonden's foundation bitch.

Vivi also has a famous face, she is the cover girl for Unleashed Naturals dog treats.

Sadly, Vivi told us it was her time in October 2021. She will be sadly missed and always remembered. 

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